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      How do you Text? - Page 4 | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      How do you Text?


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      Before, I use shortcuts when I send simple messages like "how r u?" or "wer na u?" (Where are you, Filipino). I also went through the 'Jejemon' phase. Here in our country, those who use numbers instead of letters (6 for G, 5 for S...), throw unnecessary punctuation marks, and often use 'xsz' at the end of the words (eowxsz for hello), are referred to as Jejemons. Admittedly, I had a mild case of this 'syndrome' before, back when I was in grade school.

      But now, I capitalize letters properly, use punctuation marks when needed, spell words correctly and as much as possible, use correct grammar (whether English or Filipino). I only use shortcuts when I have a lot more to say but already reached the character limit.

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      I text without cutting down letters in the word like I the way I type in a laptop. Personally, I find it annoying when I receive texts with some letters that are supposed to be included in a word omitted because it becomes hard for me to read and understand what's being said.

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      Most of the time I use complete sentences, proper grammar, spelling and punctuation when I text.  It is really a habit. This is very unusual in my social circle, since my friends and family use shortcuts when they text.  If I am in a rush then I use shortcuts.  I don't do it very often, because I don't want to embarrass myself.

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      Even back in my online gaming days, I usually typed out full sentences. It just became a habit and it sort of carried into my texting days. I mean, I'm a pretty fast typist so it doesn't really slow me down that much. I just type the way I think, which tends to be in full, coherent sentences.

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      When I text, I write everything out. I can't stand shortcuts and other abbreviations. It's not the fact that it looks illiterate, it's just annoying to figure out. If everything is written out, then there's no confusion of trying to analyze a shortcut. I find communication to be important.

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      I text in normal language with full sentences and words as well. I know people who abbrivate everything and using texting lingo and it gets so confusing just trying to read what they are trying to tell me.  Not to mention I am just slightly old enough that I don't understand what some of the symbols mean.  What ever happened to just plain talking?

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      I have always been texting using full sentences as I don't actually know whatever shortcut people use on every words. I sometimes receive texts from my friends with all the shortcuts so I don't reply them and wait until they call and explain to me what exactly they are talking about :D

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      I absolutely hate to text, I find it a cold way to communicate, therefore I text as little as possible, and I use very abbreviation I know. Personally I will telephone my friends and family andcan chat for hours to them.

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      I'm really bothered when someone uses shortcuts. Every time I'm creating a text messages, I fully write the words I wanted to say, the capitalization is perfect, and the punctuations are correct. Formality in writing is a big issue for me, because we're using it in the real world. School, work, etc.

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      I only use shortcuts when I want to send the message very quickly, and even then only the most common abbreviations and shortcuts such as "u" instead of "you". I don't invent new shortcuts or use less common ones, as I wouldn't want to decipher such messages, either.

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      • 2 weeks later...

      I'm a huge stickler to grammar as a writer, so I tend not to use shortcuts or alternate spellings. It helps that my iPhone has an autocorrect feature as well as shortcuts for periods.  :wink:

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      If talking to a friend privately, then for sure I don't mind using these shortcuts, however, if I am talking more openly, or it isn't to a friend, then I will be more professional and not use these shortcuts, as I am wanting to act more reasonable.

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      When I text, I try writing everything in full sentences. But this depends, because I try to keep my texts on a "one texting load" limit - when I go further it should be because it's a long message, or I try to shorten them to keep the "one texting load" limit. If this happens, this is the time I'd use shortcuts.

      But then again, because I also use Filipino during texting (and a lot of Filipino verbs are based on syllable repetition), I only tend to use shortcuts for words with the same pronunciation and spelling - but aside from that, even if they're used with shortcuts, I try to keep the grammar intact. 

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      I very rarely send text messages, I very rarely use the phone at all actually...

      But when I do, I try not to use a lot of shortcuts, or any at all. But if it's needed to keep the text length down, I will use it. Because ain't no way I'm spending an extra cent on sending a double-text just because I wasn't using shortcuts!

      But as I said, I really never send text messages. As far as chatting goes, I don't care too much for my grammar and spelling, and I may sometimes use chat-language... But usually I try to keep myself on a normal level of spelling/grammar/etc, so, very few shortcuts if any.

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      When I'm not doing anything and got a message, I reply with perfect grammar (punctuation, spelling (thank goodness for spell check) and even the capitalization of Proper Nouns). Even in internet chat sessions, I try to reply with the best grammar.

      But when I'm on a rush, I just reply with shortcuts and sometimes with incorrect spelling. I don't like wasting time when I'm doing something, that's why.

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      When I first got my phone, it was an old flip phone and very difficult to text with (you'd have to press the same button 3 times to get to the last number) texting was tedious and so I stuck with short cuts. Now that I have a smartphone, texting is a lot easier and I can write with correct grammar and punctuation. :) I never use short forms unless its like "LOL" and "OMG" etc.

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      • 1 month later...

      I text often in shortcuts since, by doing so, I save time. However, I do admit that there is a down side to this. Sometimes, I make shortcuts as an excuse for me because I forget how to properly spell words. But, I check them afterwards so I'll be corrected. I text in correct spellings and punctuation marks when I text important messages like advice or suggestions to someone's assignment or project.

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      • 2 months later...

      I prefer to use perfect grammar in my texts. I tend to mimic the style of who I'm texting with out of habit, much like taking on someone's accent or way of speaking. If I'm talking to with a friend and (s)he like to use a lot of shortcuts, then I'll probably use a bit more shortcuts than usual to make the conversation feel less rigid.

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      I really like to text without shortcuts, because I want to be as clear as possible without the recipient misunderstanding what I said. And I do appreciate senders who do the same, especially in a professional scenario. But there are times I want to let loose and type 'u' or a 'nite' or ahem, but that depends on the company, like friends or the cool kids. And I always feel cool if I have to explain a new shortcut or a slang.

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      I never use text speech or abbreviations when I send messages to people through phone or instant messengers. Frankly, I don't like it when I receive text messages in text speech because I don't understand it and there are times when I can't read it properly. Thus, I end up misunderstanding the message. I hope that people will understand my reasons for disliking text speech. I feel like it's killing proper languages slowly.  :sad:

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      • 2 weeks later...

      I also use full sentences and good punctuation. I just cannot be the type of person who types "U" instead of "you". Sometimes it takes me a while to send one, because I'm making sure that I've used proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.

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      I despise people who uses horrible shortcuts like "Do U lyk 2g2 my plaz latur?". I always keep it clean with my texts, proper English, proper grammar proper everything.

      I can understand when people use shortcuts when they're walking or driving while texting because you can't really focus on texting if you're doing those things but if you're going to text me like that everyday then you're better off calling me because I'm not going to respond to that text.

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      • 3 weeks later...

      When I text, I make sure not to use any shortcuts but rather the full word, because I'm afraid of misunderstanding.  In fact, as much as I can, I'd rather just call the person instead of sending a text message, because via text, there's no feeling, there's no intonation, and the other party might misunderstand what you mean to say. That's why I always make it a point that if I really need to send a text, there's no shortcuts whatsoever.

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      • 2 weeks later...

      I like to spell out words correctly in texts. I used to use more abbreviations when I was younger and had an old flip phone, but now with a smartphone, it is actually easier to use full words with gesture/swipe typing and autocorrect. I like that I can change the language of my keyboard too when I'm practicing another language! That being said, I understand why people would use shortcuts if they want to keep their message under 160 characters, but it seems more common now to have unlimited texts and not need to worry about message length.

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