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      Do you think online tutorials are effective? - Page 4 | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Do you think online tutorials are effective?

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      Online resources and tutorials can be really helpful in learning a new language, but the truth of the matter is that they are only replacements for the real thing, which is learning the language in the region in which it is spoken, and from a native speaker of the language. Only in such a situation will there be enough opportunities to actually practice using the language that is being learned.

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        Online tutorials are great and serve their free purpose well, they help us learn some parts of the language and consolidate vocabulary, but I think it's really hard to learn a language based on that only.

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        Yes I agree, online tuts and free classes are very helping in addition to one's cause, but still you need real tutoring and real life practice to learn the language completely. But if you are learning, then online help is quite useful.

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        I also agree, though sometimes online tutorials can simplify a lot of things that real tutors might seem to complicate. Then again, online tutorials are also great means, not only to serve as a refresher or to simplify subject matters, but as a means to be able for us language users to focus on a single part of a language that we might be confused about.

        Some tutors have this tendency to interrelate various parts of their lessons on a single lesson time, which can be very confusing. These online tutorials, then, can help because not only do they focus on a single part of a language, but should they relate this to another lesson, they might reference another online tutorial of theirs.

        The problem lies when there are inadequate tutorials available the covers the language - that, then, can spark some conflict between learning languages.

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        Personally I am an advocate of any type of online tutorial, I think they are great!  When I was in school, some of the things the teachers/professors were teaching made no sense to me.  That's why I would find online tutorial sites to help clarify some of the things I was confused about.

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        • 3 weeks later...

        Yes, I think that they are effective. For me, they are more comfortable and you also have the chance to hide your true identity, which I think just makes you comfortable to ask and commit mistakes. It is a very a good way to supplement your learning as most tutors are native speakers. You also get to personally pace yourself.

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        I believe online tutorials work. I have a friend who teaches ESL online and a lot of her students have made enormous progress. I think it depends on the teacher and student. My friend says it's quite fun because it's just like chatting but you just have to correct grammar and spelling errors.  :grin:

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        Online tutorials are very effective, I myself am willing to tutor those people who want to learn English and the basics of grammar for a few bucks. There are lots of people without jobs specially in my country where they resort to these online tutorials of foreigners. And mind you most of us are professionals already, the only reason why there are no jobs is because of the Government's corruption thus the resurt of lack of infrastructure.

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        I would say it can definitely help, but you don't want to just rely on online tutorials. I suppose it would also depend on the type of online tutorial (whether it live, so that they can give you feedback) and, like others said, on the teacher and student. I do think that feedback is extremely important though, so that you can make sure your pronunciation, etc is correct.

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        • 2 weeks later...

        Yes, they are big help in learning English Language. I'm a member of a group on Facebook named "LICSEN" means "LOOK! I CAN SPEAK ENGLISH NOW!" and I find it interesting. Though, here in Philippines, learning English language is normal, I still have to learn on the internet to be more fluent. I'm also using Google Translate and Thesaurus to know right words to use.

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        I believe they can be quite helpful, but only if they supplement real tutoring or studying at a language school. For me, I can't really imagine trying to study any language without real, in-person tutoring.

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        • 2 weeks later...

        I'm not sure if it can be considered as an 'online tutorial' but I use Pimsleur's programs to help me learn how to speak and understand a new language.

        It is quite effective as it teaches us new languages by reverting back to the method we used to learn languages as children - through imitation and constant usage in conversations.

        I hope you guys will find it useful too!

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        Online tutorials are not effective for me because I get distracted easily. I will browse the internet while watching/reading the tutorial so I don't actaully learn from it.

        It's effective for some people though. In the end, it depends on the person who's using the online tutorial.

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        Do you mean online classes such as university classes?  If that's what you meant, I think they can be just as beneficial to a student as a traditional classroom setting.

        *BUT*  I'll also have to say that the success of online or distance learning has to come from the student. If they are as serious as they'd be in a brick and mortar college setting, they'll most likely do well... but if they're thinking it's an "easy way to college credits or a degree" and don't put their whole attention into it, then it will probably fail.

        That's probably the biggest problem faced, now that I think of it... students who think they can slack just because their classes are online and thinking they don't have to work as hard.  That's simply not true. 

        I've taken a few online classes from traditional universities (never the online only schools)  and it's always been a wonderful experience.

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        It really depends on the tutorial, and the instructor. I have learned a lot from tutorials online, and I really cannot stress just how much I have learned in this manner. I know for sure that they are effective; at least this has been my experience.

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        Free online tutorials are pretty neat to start with and to get some notions of the language or just pick up some words or sentences, but they don't take us the whole way. A paid online tutorial might to that job, but it would had to be a really complete one.

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        Online tutorials can be an effective learning tool, but it shouldn't be the end all be all to your learning process. I don't think anything is as good as interacting with a native speaker and learning the intricacies of a certain language. An online tutorial can give you a good base of knowledge, but you should make it a point to use that knowledge in a real-world setting.

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        • 3 months later...

        I have never used a tutorial to learn a language. However, I have used tutorials to learn how to cook something, how to update my computer, how to get rid of a problem in the household and many others. It is true; I have gotten lots of help from tutorials. That said it is always good to know how to handle information obtained online.

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        Do you mean online courses? I pretty much ignore them. The only thing that's great about them is that every time you finish a course you get a certificate from them. But if you're just out there and want to learn English just for the heck of it then it's okay to just use Youtube and look for great tutorials. They're basically the same as the paid ones.

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        Of course! I have been consistently teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) both man to man and Home-based online to Koreans for almost 5 years now. Taiwanese and also Kurdish as Home-based Online Tutor or Teacher for 3 years now. I can say that I'm very much proud to share to you that I have helped a lot of students passed their school exams, speech test, listening test, essay test, job interviews, TOEFL ,and IELTS it's the most cheapest and most convenient way of studying all you need is a computer and good internet connection, headset and camera and you can already study via skype to better improve your English skills. As the saying goes that learning English is a continuous process.

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