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Do you think online tutorials are effective?

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After a 4 month later and your professor tells you that you are going to have a semester or final exam over everything you have learned, you are going to be scrambling to find anything and in these cases online tutorials are almost like a saving grace.

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I think that online tutorials are a great starting point for beginners, but they will in no way give you the full scope of things. It depends on how much you are willing to focus on it, and the tutorials themselves. I've found that some video tutors are really good teachers.

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Online tutorials are very effective because it does help with grammar and pronunciations.However, I do believe that it works best for the early stages of learning.In order to really master any subject, having a  teacher one and one proves to be more rewarding :cool:.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Of course, but it depends on the type of student you are. If you're interested more when you're in a group, then it's better if you enroll in a class. Otherwise, if you're comfortable with studying on your own and reviewing with the use of a computer, then this is suggested. Hope this helps.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I think that they can absolutely be a great resource. The fact is that online ways of doing things are continually getting better and better as everyone updates to using it. Some might actually be better than trying to learn in a classroom. It really depends on how you like to learn things.

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This is so far going on successful these days. Koreans and other asian countries are learning through this now! I can see why it's helping because it's totally convenient now with skype!

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Sure, it depends on the tutorial and on the student. If you have a good discipline and you have a complete tutorial online, why not, it's just a book on the web with interaction, even better. ;)

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I mean there are many other websites that are offering this right? And I'm not sure how many people actually enrolls themselves to one of these tutorial sessions but with all the English language resources already available online, do you think online tutorials will still be of big help? I'm thinking of enrolling to one to further improve my English language but I seem to feel the youtube lessons to be okay ha ha! I know, there are many free tutorial videos in youtube and I really love watching them. I don't know about improvement yet but do you think online tutorials can be good for us? Or are we better off just watching tutorials and other materials? Just a thought because I've been seeing a lot of tutorial ads online.

I think it can be effective if you want it to be that way, However I would do it but I would do it live, where i can see the tutor. But whatever you put your mind to then you can achieve great thing.

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I think they can be helpful to some extent.  This is dependent on the tutor themselves and if they really know what they are talking about and are good at explaining new concepts to their students.  I myself have had both good and bad experiences with online tutorials.

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I mainly use online tutorial only for learning new vocabulary. I don't think it can really teach you as a physical teacher can. Especially with grammar and slangs. But I agree there are some really fun youtube videos to watch. Sometimes, I play a few word games as well.

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I think that the answer to this question really depends on what type of a learner you are. There are those who are mind-learners, who can read or hear instructions, and grasp the concept easily. Then there are those like myself who are visual learners, who, no matter how many times they read or hear words, they will never grasp the concept. These visual learners must be shown how to do what they are learning, or they need to see someone else do it so that they can visualize the concept of what they are being taught. Generally these learners while somewhat unorthodox, tend to be more creative, visual and artistic in their thinking. For these learners, I would think that, like myself, tutorials would be extremely helpful. Honestly, online tutorials are how I have taught and still continue to teach myself pretty much everything. I see a tutorial and can instantly do what is being taught. So for me personally, I would have to say yes, online tutorials are definitely effective.

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If you mean grammar tutorials for languages then yes. I have been studying a lot of grammar from online websites and it really helped me. It's like learning it from books but even better!

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Well, I think they can be effective, but mostly learning relies on the student, if they don't want to learn then the tutorials, online or not, are going to be useless. If they really want to learn, some beat up 10 years out of date book would do just as well.

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I've taken Japanese tutorials and even those are helpful! If you really want to improve your English, nothing like a good tutorial to get you on the right track! I've been helping my sister with it and always turned out just fine! She is now improving a lot as days go by!

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Yeah they are kind of good if you are learning only some basics about a language but as you go deeper in a language you will need either a proper teacher or a native to teach you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Online tutorials or real life tutorials will only be effective if the student is willing to learn. If there's no effort put in, there's also no chance of learning the language easily and well.

Personally I think online tutorials are better because you can go at your own pace and it's more stress free.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I find online tutorials very effective. I have been enrolled in one for over a year now to improve my Spanish skills, and I really enjoy it. They have pictures and quizzes, puzzles and all kinds of entertaining things that are fun and make me remember everything easily. Also you get to meet others and can chat with them, learning new things in an interesting interactive way.

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Yes, they are. They helped me a lot when I started taking Spanish course (in real life) and I wanted to learn it faster and work harder so I also looked up on internet for free online tutorials. I found a great website on whom you can watch free video tutorials, there are many lessons, they give you tests and tasks... It was really fun. Sadly, I can't remember the name of that website.

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