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      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends? | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends?


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      I am totally guilty of this and it's almost a creature of habit now. Sometimes I'm scrolling up in a conversation I am having with a friend and i notice just how many "lol" I use in my sentences. Growing up in the instant messaging generation I have just been so used to it that it is now part of my every day vocabulary. Or when I do not know what to say or how to respond, "lol" seems to be the easiest thing to write. "Lmao" is another word that comes to mind that I seem to spam to my friends.  :tongue:

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      I don't over use it, at least, I don't think I do. I say "haha" when I'm really laughing at something, and "lol" when something is funny but it doesn't draw as much laughter. Which I guess is ironic given the meaning of the acronym.

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      I am so guilty for this mainly because most of my online friends don't really speak 'proper' English and since a lot of them are gamers, LOL followed by LMAO or even ROFL are very commonly used. I'd say on messengers,I use the emoticons more than typing LOL but in game chat,I'd just LOL. It's just weird to type 'laugh out loud' or 'I am laughing right now'. Sometimes I'd type 'that made me laugh'

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      I used to use LOL and ROTFL a lot years ago when instant messaging first became popular. I think this was partly because of the sheer novelty of it back in the old days.  I figured out on my own that I was overusing it to the point that when something really was LOL or ROTFL then what would I actually say?  "LOL and this time I really mean it?!" 

      So I cut way down on my use of LOL ... maybe to the opposite extreme, as if nothing is now LOL! : )

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      i do use the phrase in my writings.  i don't see why we shouldn't use it.  so what if it isn't proper english.  this is 2013.  people and things have changed a lot.  there are certain language trends that have made their way into our communications and will be here to stay for a while. 

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      I try to go out of my way not to use 'LOL' these days, but sometimes I just can't help it. I am more of a 'haha' person now. I suppose then at least everyone in all languages and of all ages will probably know what I am on about.

      I wonder if 'LOL' will every fizzle out? It's been going for at least 15 years now at least!

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      Totally overuse it D:. This stems from my being a regular in an IRC chat when I was younger. I kept on using it over the years especially with my online friends that it bled into my chats with friends I've had outside of chats. It can be weird because I can chat properly but using lol and its variants sort of make me sound like a troll or something.

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      Yes, I do this all the time. I am probably the worst for using abbreviations when talking to my friends. Like you said it is just something that has developed over time into a habit. Sometimes when I am typing a paper for school I will catch myself using abbreviations in my paper so I always have to double, and triple check my work. I'd like to get better about it though and use less of them. I'm gonna have to start working on it.

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      I am not a fan of text or text speech and I do not use LOL or all its cousins.  If I am not sure someone will take a phrase as a joke I may use a smiley or even a parenthetical (smile).  I just think as you get older it seems less age appropriate.

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      LOL does not seem to have landed in India until now but YAAR is very popular here. YAAR literally means FRIEND but every body uses it in informal letter even if he is writing to parents or wife or real friend.

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      It's very rare for me to use LOL because it's very rare for me to give lots of laughs, but now and again I do give them and if I am typing I might as well write it.  :wacky:

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      This word "Lol" is typically used a lot by us Indians! It is so prevalent here nowadays. The problem with using such fancy words is that at one point of time we forget that they are informal words and start using them like formal words!

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      Yes! I definitely use it way too much. I'm starting not to like it, but there's nothing else to put. Texting is really messing up everything I've learned over the years. I'm so busy making my words short and doing all these little things that I'm forgetting the basics in English!  :sad:

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      I've very guilty of over-using lol and have even tried consciously to switch it up more. It irritates me! It seems like it takes on a mind of its own and becomes a filler or a means to have a 'friendlier' tone.

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      Oh, another evidence that I use LOL so much is when trolling my aunt with my cousin, we say LOLOLOL while waving our heads like idiots. I don't know why but I love doing that to my aunt. No one outside the family gets to see that though!

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      I never SAY LOL.  Like when I'm talking, I don't say it.  (Although my son does--- he says JKLOL all the time... it's annoying!)

      But when I text, I probably use it very infrequently.  I definitely know I use it, but not much.  I'm more apt to say ha ha , or I'll type *giggle* because that's what I like to do.  LOL is more of a response when I have nothing to say!  :smile:

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