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How do you feel before an exam?

Guest akasha24

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I used to always get nervous before doing an exam. Doesn't matter which exam i just get a lot pressured before entering an exam and that always makes me do really bad because I am thinking a lot. So now I go with "0 f****s given" and just enter the exam don't care about the results just do my best!

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I think the word nervous comes into all our heads when we thing of an exam. I recall once I haven't studied nothing and I was so nervous that the teacher asked me if I was feeling good and I managed to make my exam in other date lol, I got lucky!

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I don't really get stressed before an Exam, everything is fine until I see the sheet of paper in front of me... then I get nervous and focused on the task at hand. I guess that's good in a way because I can study while being relaxed but it's bad because while taking the exam being nervous does not help with concentration.

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Oh, i feel terrible when it comes to exams. No matter how good i am or how much i learn or study, i freak when it comes closer. I just get anxious that i may forget what i have studied. I still do it till now. It's my nature, i can't do much to cure this illness  :grin:

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It depends how much I care. How much I care dictates the amount I study. In high school my apathy often outweighed the study material, but I do give an effort if I need to. I remember in my English final exam, we were supposed to write two essays and our best one will be graded. I wrote one, handed in my final, and left the school about 30 minutes earlier than any other students had. I ended up getting a decent score despite my haphazard preparation. However if my grades were to hang in the balance, I would probably feel some nerves beforehand.

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I was never able to sleep the night before an exam. I guess I'm the type who gets stressed easily. The pressure I put on myself to perform well probably didn't help either.

Thinking back, there wasn't really much reason to get all stressed out, since I always make sure to prepare well for an exam.

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I think I've always been relatively comfortable with English, so I never really got stressed out too much when it comes to English exams. I usually just brush up on some technical terms, but besides that I don't really have much of a problem unless the topic is very specific and requires precision. Otherwise, I only ever get worried when the subject is about something that needs memorization like History.

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It fairly simple for me; if I studied then I feel confident and if I didn't hit the books then I don't stress when I know its going to be a bomb.  As a rule I do study and feel very relaxed when I get to my seat for the exam.  Occasionally I will have a bit of start when I see something that I missed when I was studying but not very often.

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I also get very stressed before exams. If I didn't study enough I obviously fear not knowing the answers and getting a low score. But if I studied a lot and feel like I know the subject well, I also get scared that I might confuse or mistake something and get answers wrong. I'm also very competitive, so on tests I always want to take better grades than my friends. So when I get the worse, or one of the worse grades I feel down for quite a long time.

I will do will in learning, but when it comes on to exam it really stresses me out. I always have a terrible head-ache and so nervous, to the fact that I can't concentrate or focus. And then I worry about the result on weather or not I pass. Sounds funny but true.

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Before an exam, I'm usually a bit nervous, but I wouldn't show it, Just act as if it's only an exam, I find chewing gum helps relax and take your mind away from the actual test.

In fact, chewing gum has been proved to help link with your revision depending on the flavor - If you chewed Mint gum during your revision sessions and during the test, this apparently jogs the memory, how true this is I'm not sure, but I find it helps.

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I can get quite nervous right before a test, but I can generally get it under control when the exam starts.  The only times I might genuinely freak out are when I haven't studied and feel like there is just no way in the world that I can get even a single question right.

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Unfortunately, I never feel confident enough. Even when I study, I always feel quite nervous. I know for sure that too much stress doesn't get you anywhere, but it's not like I can control it. I have tried various ways to overcome this particular issue, but I just can't put it under control. I never feel confident enough and I will admit it: I am jealous very of relaxed people. I wish I was more like them.

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It depends on the subject. If it's something that weighs a lot, I get so stressed that I wouldn't even be able to sleep properly at night. When I get too stressed before it, I try reading or watching something funny to distract myself. That takes the weight off of my shoulder just a bit. :)

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I always feel somehow tensed before an exam.The feeling that you have to go even though you already have just after five minutes.I really hate that feeling but maybe sometimes it makes me perform better.

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I tend to feel nothing before an exam, regardless of whether I am confident or utterly unprepared. It doesn't matter to me, I go into a room, sit down like everyone else, and start writing. Or drawing. Or whatever. When it's over, it's over. It's just another event in life to me, I don't understand why people even feel anything..

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I used to worry and think about it a lot before I go to any exam, but now I stopped. I learned that the more you worry the more you forget. So now I just say well I studied and I will do good and go in the exam with full faith that i will pass. It helps a lot.

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I'm always really nervous before I write any exam, even if I studied a lot and am super confident in my abilities. I find that I have problems being in a waiting room before an exam starts, I always pick up on the nervous energy that everyone else is giving off. I try to wait somewhere private and just try and calm myself down.

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Before exams I am usually stressed out and scared but when I go in the examination room and I see the actual exam paper I'm not that scared anymore because I remember most of the things. The only thing about exams is not how much you study it's how much you can remember.

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I tend to find that If I enter and exam and I am too calm, then I have not prepared enough for it.  But, if I have really worked hard during the months leading up to the exam I find that I am excited to actually take the exam and know that I can do really well on it.  Of course I do feel slightly nervous before starting the exam but that is a good sign.

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I used to be a terrible test-taker. I would stress out the night before the test and stay up all night studying, then I'd cram in some more studying in the morning before the test. I'd review my notes up until the moment the test was on my desk, but that rarely helped. I would become so nervous that I'd forget what I had just read.

During my senior year of high school, I went through a lot of changes that generally made me a more relaxed person. I started working out, I made myself become more social, and I got a job. All of these changes helped with my confidence, which I believe had an indirect impact on my test-taking skills. Now that I'm in college, I'm able to start tests feeling relaxed and turn them in without second-guessing all of my answers.

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