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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. I can help you later today of tomorrow I guess. I am not at home now unfortunately. welcome to linguaholic.com best, Lingua
  2. Warm Welcome! Where are you from? Poland? and now you will move to Italy? (or planning to do so in the future). That sounds great. I like Italy as well. Best L
  3. Another Swiss Member here on linguaholic.com. That's great news :=)
  4. Thanks for helping our member! Really nice of you.
  5. Hi Teow Nice to have you here on linguaohlic.com! I am a big fan of Japan as well. It's really an impressive place and it's absolutely great for eating and traveling! See you around Lingua
  6. I actually use a combination of books AND computer programs AND Applications. I think combining all different 'methods' and possibilities gets you the best results.
  7. Meine alten Sorgen verfolgen mich nun aufs Neue or maybe Meine einstigen Sorgen verfolgen mich nun aufs Neue. or Meine alten Sorgen suchen mich nun aufs Neue heim
  8. could you provide the translations that you found, please?
  9. welcome Pashmina I just answered your question about the English/German translation. Please have a look at it. regards L
  10. Hi there I would suggest the following: Einfach und sicher einkaufen bei [name]
  11. Welcome to Linguaholic.com! I have not read it. However, if you need help with it, just make a picture and put it in this thread and I will try to help you. Best, L
  12. Welcome Flvdrt! Nice to have you here. Hope you get to know many interesting people here. Have fun & have a nice day best, Lingua
  13. hi there I am actually Swiss and 'The Natalie' doesn't ring a bell at all. So it is supposed to be Swiss German, right? My mother tongue is Swiss German and I am pretty sure there is no word even coming close to 'Natalie'. The only thing I can think of when hearing Natalie is actually a Name (but then again rather written Nathalie). Do you have any audio source of someone actually speaking it aloud? if yes, that would probably help. Best, Lingua
  14. lol that clip is really funny. Their voices are really high pitched though, that makes it harder to understand. If I will find some time, I will help you transcribing a bit. regards Lingua
  15. Actually "zu Hause" and "Zuhause "are both possible word forms. It depends on the grammatical function of the word. Have a look here to understand better: http://www.duden.de/sprachwissen/sprachratgeber/-i-zu-hause--i--oder--i-zuhause--i- If you don't understand the reasoning, I can explain you :=)
  16. Actually I also don't know. But what I know is I love threads like this! Hope we can find it out soon.
  17. ---> Ich bin auch sicher, dass dich deine Grosseltern Zuhause vermissen werden. ---> Natürlich kannst du mit deinen Grosseltern über das Internet telefonieren. --> Ich finde es auch praktisch, dass du eine Nachricht senden kannst, wenn du gerade mal Zeit hast. Deine Grosseltern können Dir dann antworten oder eine Nachricht senden, wenn Sie die Zeit dazu finden. --> Aus diesem Grund würde ich vorschlagen, dass deine Grosseltern lernen sollten, wie man moderne technische Kommunikationsmittel benutzt. Du kann Ihnen dabei helfen. Zuerst kannst du Ihnen YouTube als mögliches Hilfsmittel vorschlagen. Danach können Sie Youtube-Videos schauen, die Ihnen erklären, wie man E-Mails, Skype und andere Hilfsmittel benutzt. --> Es stimmt zwar, dass junge Leute den Computer mehr nutzen als alte Leute, aber alte Leute sind auch darauf angewiesen. Wenn jemand den Computer nicht benutzt, dann kann das dazu führen, dass er/sie sich schnell sehr einsam fühlt. Alle Leute sind heutzutage online. Ohne Internet wären wir alle bei weitem nicht so gut vernetzt.
  18. Yes, it is a different tense. Sass is 'Präteritum' and gesessen is 'Perfekt' http://konjugator.reverso.net/konjugation-deutsch-verb-sitzen.html
  19. That's an easy one. The second 'noch' is just simply wrong. It has to be 'nach' instead of 'noch'. It is a crystal clear mistake. As for your question about the 'ja'. It just puts emphasis on the fact that the work is in 'Nordhorn'. This can be the case because of a previous question or have another reason.
  20. Blaveloper is perfectly right. You should use 'Sie' in these kind of situations. However, if a shopkeeper is your age and you feel that he is easy-going, a 'du' wouldn't be that devastating I guess :=)
  21. Hi Aureal! Welcome to linguaholic.com! Wow, that's really impressive! 16 years old and already a polyglot! And you even invented your own language! I am about to create a new forum section for conlangs. What do you think about sharing your language there, so that we can all see it? that would be nice.
  22. Hi Anna56. Welcome to Linguaholic.com You might be able to find some interesting websites for online French courses here
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