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Animal-related Onomatopoeia // comparison


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I will do a start here by naming the onomatopoeia in German for the following animals. Please provide the words for those animals (and of course you can add more) in your native language!

Onomatopoeia in German:

Hund      (dog): wuff wuff

Hahn      (cock): Kikeriki

Frosch    (frog): Quak Quak

Ziege      (goat): meeh

Katze      (cat)  : miau, miau

Kuh          (cow):  muh

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In Filipino/Tagalog:

1. Cat - miyaw-miyaw (meow-meow)

2. Dog - aw-aw

3. Snake - sssss

4. Goat - meee

5. Chicken - kokorokok

6. Duck - kwak-kwak


Heh, I thought it can alternately be NGIYAW for cats, just to mess it up for people who can't pronounce the NG sound. The goat sounds more like mehh, you just have to lengthen the pronunciation. At first I thought you meant it sounded like me but then I remembered our E is short.

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Onomatopoeia in English:

Dog:  woof, woof or bow-wow

Cock:  cock-a-doodle-doo or crow

Frog:  croak or ribbit

Goat:  baa or bleat

Cat:    meow

Cow:  moo

Here are a few more:

Turkey: gobble

Goose:  honk

Horse:  neigh

Bird:      chirp, tweet

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I'll give it a try and write in english how do these animals sound in greek  :laugh:

1. Cat - niau (or neow, i guess)

2. Dog - wav wav

3. Snake - sss

4. Goat - beeh

5. Chicken - kikiriku

6. Duck - kwax-kwax

I don't think it would make sense to write it in greek, as most people wouldnt understand how to read it anyway!

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Ah, this is a fun topic. Here's my take for the Portuguese language:

Cão    (dog): ão ão (sounds like ow ow)

Galo    (cock): cócórócócó (cog kohrog cog cog)

Sapo  (frog): crok crok

Cabra  (goat): baaahhhhhh

Gato  (cat)  : miau, miau

Vaca  (cow): mooooo

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Some more Portuguese:  :beaten:

Pássaro (bird) - piu piu piu

Perú (turkey) - glu glu glu

Burro (donkey) - ihó ihó (hard one this sound...)

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Awesome idea for a thread, @linguaholic ! I can't wait to check back on this one ^_^


I see someone did most of them up above..

Here are some others:

Buta - Pig - Buu! Buu!

Hitsuji - Sheep - Mee! Mee!

Nezumi - Mouse - Chuu! Chuu! (Awwww.)  :love:

Karasu - Crow - Kaa! Kaa!


Dog - Pies - Hau! Hau!

Cat - Kot - Miau! Miau!

Frog - Zaba - Recho!

Pig - Swinia - Chrum! Chrum!

Chicken - Kura - Gdak! Gdak! (aahahaha :) )

Cow - Krowa - Mu!

Goat - Koza - Mee!

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Another Japanese one:

Rooster (on-dori): kokke-kokkoh (a little different from English's "cock-a-doodle-doo"!)

And the Japanese have long known the answer to a certain question...

Fox (kitsune): kon kon

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This is one topic I find extremely interesting, because shouldn't they all make the same noises?  You can definitely see the similarities and it helps to see what sounds are not as common in some languages.

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Onomatopoeia in Spanish:

perro      (dog): guau guau

gallo      (cock): kikiriki

rana    (frog): quak quak

cabra      (goat): beeh beeh

gato      (cat)  : miau

vaca        (cow):  muuu

Hmm... In Spanish I hear the frog (rana) say "croac, croac" and the duck (pato) say "quack, quack"

And many people say that the guajolote/pavo (turkey) says "gordo, gordo, gordo"

More in Spanish:

gallina  (hen) clo, clo, clo

pollito (chiken) pío, pío

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In Filipino/Tagalog:

1. Cat - miyaw-miyaw (meow-meow)

2. Dog - aw-aw

3. Snake - sssss

4. Goat - meee

5. Chicken - kokorokok

6. Duck - kwak-kwak


Where's the frog and why include the snake instead?  :grin:  Anyway here's my Filipino/Tagalog version:

Aso        (dog) : Aw-aw

Tandang (cock): Tiktilaok

Palaka    (frog) : Kokak

Kambing  (goat): Meee

Pusa      (cat) : Ngiyaw

Baka      (cow): Muuu

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