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Everything posted by pandandesign

  1. No, cooking isn't part of my language learning. I don't normally use cooking to be part of the language study, which I can't seem to do that myself.
  2. Hello, Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay. It is nice to meet you!
  3. I think Kanji is use to substitute some of the characters in which it's written. It helps readers to understand better, so they don't get confused with the characters (in this case, pronunciations).
  4. I learned Japanese when I was in high school. The reason I chose Japanese because I thought it was similar to Chinese, which I thought Japanese was harder for me to learn. I ended up dropping out the class 3 months later, which I didn't regret a bit.
  5. I would say it depends on how useful it is and how much do you actually need. I would say the one you have to pay money will likely be the one that's useful for you. On the other hand, free doesn't mean it's not as useful or helpful as the one that costs money. I would say you better go with the one that costs money as long as it's not too expensive.
  6. It's very interesting to see some of the meaning of the words here. Thank you for sharing! I didn't know 'of' means 'or'.
  7. Welcome to the Linguaholic forum! I also have a degree in English. It is nice to meet you!
  8. Konichiwa! Welcome to the Linguaholic forum! I used to learn Japanese when I was in high school, but dropped out the class 3 months later. Hope you find Japanese a fascinating language to learn. Cheers! It is nice to meet you!
  9. Welcome to the Linguaholic forum! Hope everything goes well to you! It's nice to meet you!
  10. True. "Who" is use to ask about a person or people. It is a straightforward word to use such as asking the name of the person or people regarding whether or not you're using a single term or a plural term. Thank you for sharing it!
  11. I agree. "I" and "Me" shouldn't use interchangeably because one is use as a subject and the other one is use as an object. There is always a "to be" or action word after the "I", which is one method to remember "I" is use as a subject. Great post! Thanks for sharing!
  12. Yes, I would have to agree with you on this. Also, it is one of the words that is use for asking someone about something. Good job! Thank you for sharing your idea!
  13. That's what I initially thought too. I think it has its unique way of explaining in different types of writings. It's also another way to explain other than knowing the literal meaning of the sentence. This is the reason in which I have found English is a fascinating language to learn and know about. Thanks for sharing!
  14. I have learned linking verb when I was in middle school, which you have reminded me of my learning experience back in the day. It was a great time learning the language in which everyone has wanted to learn. I think learning the basic rules is the fundamental of the English language. Thank you for sharing!
  15. I have never heard or seen this site before, which I think it would be a great idea to learn new languages. I didn't even know there's an app for both IOS and Android OS. I would definitely need to check it out because I have been wanting to learn French for a long time. I would like to take some courses if there is any available on the website. Thank you for the great recommendation!
  16. Yes, Google Translator isn't the best online translator out there because it does have its flaws. I don't really trust Google Translator because it sometimes messes up my translation, which I still have to edit some of the sentences myself. I would say you only use Google Translator as an example or an idea of how the translation has done for you. I would not rely on it too much.
  17. Diction? What's that by the way? I think the most effective way to improve your pronunciation is to keep practicing. Start a conversation or talk with someone who speaks the language in which you're currently learning. I find sometimes people will correct your pronunciation, but it's another way to learn because you know what to expect and how to say the words you have trouble with. Another way to improve is that listen to radio, watch movies, or hear talk shows that speak the language in which you're learning.
  18. A good way to increase your vocabulary would be by reading books, articles, and newspapers. That's what I have done in the past when I started learning English. Reading is one of the effective way to increase your vocabulary. Hope everything goes well!
  19. Oh, Spanish, eh. Welcome to the Linguaholic forum! Enjoy your stay!
  20. Oh, what is the other you speak besides English? I would have to agree with you on this because I live in a country where it considers a multicultural country, which people would speak more than one languages.
  21. I do forget some words in my native language, which is Chinese. I have noticed myself that when I speak some Chinese, I would throw in some English words because I forget some of the Chinese words in which I suppose to say. I believe the reason is that I have learned Chinese and English when I was little, which I used both languages interchangeably when I supposed to learn just one language at the time.
  22. My native is Chinese, which is the hardest language to learn. I think English is the easiest language for me to learn because I know the basic rules about English. I think once you know the sentence structures and enough vocabularies, English isn't as difficult as some people would think. I have learned English the hard way, which has helped me to be able to speak, write, and read English better.
  23. It is good to know that Linguaholic is now on Facebook. I just liked Linguaholic on Facebook. I enjoy this forum a lot, which has helped me on a lot of things about languages.
  24. I remember when I started learning a new language, I learned the words first. I would learn as many vocabularies as possible for about a month before I started learning the phrases and sentences. I think building stronger vocabularies is the key to write the sentences in an effectively way. I would suggest that learn as many basic words as you can before you start to write in sentences.
  25. I agree. The google translate is good enough to get most of the translation done correctly, but it does have its flaw. It sometimes changes the meaning of a sentence, which I have to revise it to make it more sense.
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