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Unmotivated to read! Suggestions?


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First of all, don't pressure yourself too much, we all get into a "reading rut" once in a while. Second, I think someone here already suggested reading on a particular interest, I would have to agree with that. Start with real life interests, who says you have to start with classics anyway? It can even just be magazines or blogs or anything light. Ease into reading. When it isn't forced I've noticed that that's when I'm most motivated to read.

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I'm really fond of plot driven books, except for the fact that usually they aren't very thought provoking. When I read The Hunger Games myself, I took a day to read each of the books as I was so intwined with the plot. However satisfying, they're not quite fulfilling for me?

If I read a Murakami book for example, it might take me over the course of a month but at the end of it I'm left with new things to roll around in my head and maybe a new perspective on things.

Maybe just to get back into the swing of things I will pick up a few new books. Thank you :) !

Aishe, I hope it is going well for you, picking up some new books! :)  This has been such an interesting thread.  So many great ideas and strategies.

You mentioned that you like plot driven books.  Perhaps as an alternative, some historical fiction that is very in-depth and involving?  I haven't read it for many years, but I was absolutely enthralled with 'Lonesome Dove' by Larry McMurtry.  The book won a well-deserved Pulitzer Prize.  I found the characters fascinating as well as the setting.  There was so much veracity in the author's depiction of life in the Wild West.  It wasn't overly romanticized and the struggles and challenges that the characters faced were quite absorbing. 

So perhaps something along those lines might be worthwhile. :)

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Think of reading as a way of learning! It's true, actually. Reading allows you to gain wisdom, to become more creative, to see things with different perspectives, and most importantly, it makes you more open-minded.

There are a great amount of benefits from reading books. I suggest you read about something you're interested in. Look it up online, read some plots about certain books, and if the ratings and reviews are positive, then try picking that book up from your local library.

I hope my suggestion helped.

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  • 2 months later...

Maybe you should pick up a different genre? or watch a movie or series version of the book before reading it. You may just be picking up books that are not as interesting as you thought they were.

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What are your interests?

It's easy to get into reading if you read about something that interests you. Also something you could try is starting out with a small, short story. You don't get the commitment and investment of a long novel, and your passion for reading (if any) could grow from there.

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  • 1 month later...

Recently, or for the past year, I've been finding it really difficult to get into any book or written work deeply enough for me to enjoy it. There are required pieces of texts that were compulsory for me to read, but I never really enjoyed it despite having been an avid reader in the past.

Are there any favourite books of yours or such that you would recommend to get me out of this rut?

Am I right in my impression that you have been into books in the past but have lost the fire? But whether or not I'm right, I just have some pieces of advice here my friend Aishe.  :wink:

You could start by reading Antoine de Saint Exupery's The Little Prince. It's a thin book with pictures. I'm not treating you as a kid Aishe. The book may seem to be for kids because of the illustration but actually it's not. It is a simple book with a deep meaning. Many people quote this book.

After reading this, you could read George Orwells, "Animal Farm". It's a classic book, which, I think was written to indirectly attack the government during the time of the author.

Then, you could read Paolo Coelho's "The Alchemist". This is a wonderful novel packed with lessons.

This is a step-by-step reading program that could ignite the fire within you for reading books. I hope these help my friend.  :smile:

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  • 1 month later...

I've honestly gone through the same problem you're going and the solution was to force myself into a schedule where reading was part of it. I started enjoying it again and the only hard part is to start because when I'm reading I can do it for hours as I just want to know more about the story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are days when I also feel unmotivated to read. What I do is I read just a few pages every few hours or so until I feel better or until I get to the good part of the novel I am reading. Also, try to reaf just short stories for a bit.

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Have you been busy lately. If you are, then you won't be able to enjoy whatever you read. You should start by reading some thrilling novels by Stepehn King. I really love his novels. I am sure you are going to like them as well.

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Well I can't really recommend any books for you since you never mentioned what books you're into in the first place but if you want to read something a little different and twisted in a way I highly suggest reading Chuck Palahniuk novels. They're pretty gritty and edgy.

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  • 1 month later...

Maybe the books that you are getting are a little too much to take in at this time. Find something light to read so that it gets you back into the interest of reading. I find a book that you cannot put down has not come into my home lately but I have read "The gift" by Danielle Steel and I am reading books by Cecilia Ahern at the moment. I have found that the beginning did not motivate me to read and as you get through the second chapter it changs your mind and you want to read to the end.

Another one to read is Wilbur Smith, it is adventure and very easy to imagine the scene.

Also Tom Clancy for crime and mystery, any of his books are good too.

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Short book series are great for encouraging constant reading! I recommend His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. They are easy to read, have deep and complex concepts, and grab onto you and never let go until the third book is over.

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I've been through that phase as well. I guess we all did. And this happened to me before because I felt that the books that I was reading were too heavy and too hard for me to actually understand. That's why I felt demotivated. I suggest that you pick up something that's light, something funny maybe. That would surely get you back into reading again.

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I hate when I get stuck! I usually end up spending hours on Amazon, or even the library, and start at nonfiction books to think up new things I want to learn about. I could walk the non-fiction aisles for hours and leave with 50 books in 25 different subjects. From there, once I get back "into" reading (motivation-wise) it's easier to pick up fiction novels. Fiction is so difficult to break being unmotivated because you really have to submerge yourself into the story to get it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would recommend starting with a small book that you can finish easily. Make sure that the book selected is something that is of interest to you. I personally enjoy reading fiction or short stories. These can whet your appetite to keep reading. Make time to read when there are no distractions and soon enough it will become a routine.

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