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      Next language you'd like to learn - Page 5 | Language Learning Jump to content

      Next language you'd like to learn


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      This is a tough choice because where I live is truly a melting pot.  There are all kinds of races with all kinds of languages.  I am already fairly proficient in Spanish, which is very useful in my city.  It was so easy to learn Spanish because there many Spanish speakers in my city, many classes, and the textbooks are highly developed.

      I think the next language will be Arabic.  There are a lot of people that speak it here, and it is taught at the local schools.

      Or maybe Mandarin.  There is not as much opportunity to use it in my city, but I do some business with vendors in China, so it should still be very useful to me.  Unfortunately not as many schools in my city teach it, maybe none of them do.

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        I'm giving Germany a start for a very simple reason. My father's living at Gremany so whenever I wish to visit him I'll have to speak the language doing the travel and while I'm in there. It's also a very useful language when it comes to getting a job. You have alot more chances if you can speak germany.

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          On 8/31/2013 at 12:02 AM, tulosai said:

        If you were going to start trying to learn a new language now which one would it be and why?

        I would definitely want to try Croatian.  My family is there and I am visiting in a few weeks so it would be really useful to me!

        I would definitely want to lean Hebrew and Greek. I am gradually developing a passion for Jewish history and also for understanding the bible.

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        I, like many, have took Spanish in high school and I deeply regret for not taking it more seriously. As someone who will be looking for a career in the next few years, I've realized how incredibly valuable of an asset being able to speak two languages would be. It would also be an excellent tool for me to understand my heritage more clearly and be able to relate to that my side of the family on a deeper level.

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        I'd really like to learn French. I know some French people, and I love the country. I've started to learn it a couple of times, but I've always just given up, so if I can make myself more motivated, then I'd really like to start learning it.

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        Japanese language is the next language I want to learn after the Korean language. I had cousins who are married to Japanese and me and my Korean husband had plans to go there maybe next year. I just want that when I go there I will have a good conversations with them. :)

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        Chinese, I would believe is the correct answer for me, just for a few different reasons only. One, would have to be the complexity of how many different alphabets there are, which is one of the obvious reasons it's so complex. Also, the curiosity of what the symbols mean, how to actually be able to read it, write it and say it, a language that has no derivative's from the English language, its just something so different.

        I have watched many Chinese "Subtitle" Movies, and I learned that there actually was zero connection with the English language, as far as, pronunciation, characters, tone of voice, and the terms and meanings of words compared to English. :ninja:

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        I'd like to learn Spanish next. I think because of it's proximity to English, it makes the best candidate. I am, however, concerned with the conjugations. Keeping all that straight in my head while trying to speak seems like a near undoable task.

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        Without a doubt, Italian. I understand a few words and I find it a very interesting and beautiful language. Definitely something I want to spend my time on in the future.

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        I've only seriously (studying in school) for French and Spanish. I've dabbled in Icelandic, Russian, Italian and a few Irish words. I'd like to start learning Irish again (or one of the others I've dabbled in) on a more serious note, instead of picking it up and dropping it over and over.

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        I would really like to learn Spanish... I have a friend who speaks and he makes it so difficult not to envy him. In my NPO we have many french speakers so I think French before Spanish... :confused:

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          On 8/31/2013 at 12:02 AM, tulosai said:

        If you were going to start trying to learn a new language now which one would it be and why?

        I would definitely want to try Croatian.  My family is there and I am visiting in a few weeks so it would be really useful to me!

        The next language I would like to learn is french. Yes,  :punk:I know... it sounds romantic :love: If I should live in Canada, I know that there are quite an enormous amount of french folks who could help to keep my french alive.

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        I'm taking German lessons and I gotta say that I love the language, even though the pronunciation is sometimes hard (Umlauts)

        I definitely want to try French since I like how it sounds and I would love to read French poetry since people always say that it's beautiful.

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        I'd really like to learn German, since it's where a lot of my ancestry comes from.  The rest of it comes from the UK, and I already speak English.  The fact that I don't have any friends or family that speak German makes it a little harder to learn, since I don't have anyone to practice with.

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        I have always wanted to learn Italian, mainly because I'm such a big fan of Italian opera.  Chinese would be fascinating to learn but there are so many dialects.  Really I would want to at least sample a few languages before I could pick one; there are so many languages around the world it would be tough to pick just one.

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        I would absolutely love to learn Cantonese. I live in a very heavily populated area of Chinese folks (despite living in an English country) and most of our signage down here is in their language. I also feel like it would be great to be able to communicate more effectively with them. One time, I had an older gentleman try to ask me for directions -- and I couldn't understand him -- so he started pretending to be an airplane!  :laugh:

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        I'm pretty satisfied with my French but I'm still learning it a little bit, but the next language I would love to learn in Ukrainian. My father was Ukrainian but he never taught me how to speak it so I would love to learn it and maybe some day I'll be able to travel to Ukraine and be able to speak it when I'm there!

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        I have been pondering for a while whether to invest some of my time and brain cells in learning a language our of my comfort zone (which would be most romance and germanic languages). Arab culture has always fascinated me, and I often found myself willing to enroll in courses in Farsi or Persian at my college, but somehow never did. Turkish also sounds interesting, but like the other I can't even begin to imagine the amount of devotion to try and pick up those languages on my own without any kind of supervision.

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        I want to start learning Portuguese next. I would love to see the Olympics in Brazil so I think that's my main motivation. I just love the whole Brazilian culture though. It's very relaxed and I love Salvador, especially Bahia. It 's such a beautiful place. If anyone else is learning Portuguese come and say hello to me and maybe we can help each other along our journeys? :)

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        I have to learn some Swedish before I move for my Masters next year. My course is taught in English, but I want to be able to travel and see other places while I'm in Sweden. Even if I only learn how to stumble through, "Where is the toilet?" and, "Is anyone sitting there?" it'll be worth it.

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