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      romantic language


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        On 9/19/2013 at 3:09 PM, linguaholic said:

      I am going to add a poll for this. So you can all give your vote and let the others know what you think is the most romantic language!!!

      Sounds great -it will be fun to see what the result will be =) But you should also have the option of 'Other', especially since there was at least one other language discussed which is not on the list =)

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      I find that Spanish has a distinctive quality to it when spoken in slow soft tones. It sounds all manner of romantic. Of course, I think any language that doesn't have a lot of harsh syllables can sound that way. People from farther north or from other countries absolutely adore my southern accent. At least, they do when they can figure out what I'm saying. lol

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      It’s Italian according to the author of Eat, Pray and Love. It could also be French since French people are known to have flowery tongue being hopeless romantic (much like the Italian). And I agree because honestly, whenever I heard someone spoke in French or Italian, they sounded like they are complementing or serenading you. It’s more like their language became romantic because being romantic is part of their upbringing and personality. Their flowery tongues, when they spoke, seem to release a scent of nice subtle perfume.

      On the other hand, love songs when sung in Spanish sounded passionate.

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      I love the sound of Italian. Especially when they are native speakers. They talk fast and the words almost run together. It sounds like they are singing. There is a lot of fluctuation in the voice and is really rolls of the tongue nicely.

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      The most romantic language?  Uhmmm, I gotta think this tru, I think that would be italian for me.  I just love the way italian sounds,  it's not as annoying as french!  There is something about the french accent I really dislike, but I think italian is perfect.  It's the perfect language in my opinion :)  I'd love to be able to speak italian, but I don't think I'll ever learn it.

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        On 9/25/2013 at 5:29 AM, DiesIrae said:

      French hmmmmm. You can say the silliest things in it, even stuff that do not make sense and it will make me melt. Check this video, it sounds so cool even though it's mostly standard words/phrases. 

      Foux da Fafa

      This is funny, even if they are not really talking seriously, you can say it sounds really great. I also consider french language to be romantic.

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      Many people consider French to be the language of love, but I personally think Italian is. I love how words sound when they say it and how things just roll along their tongue. My boyfriend and I would call each other "caro" and "cara" and so I feel a connection to it as well. It's very sweet.  :love:

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      • 3 weeks later...

      Many people say French is the most romantic language there is and I would have to agree. I would also like to add another language that is not included in the choices above. In my opinion, Filipino sounds very romantic, too. I think this is the reason why many people love it when they listen to Filipinos singing.

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      I think Italian and French, if said at a normal decible is quite sexy.  I have to laugh when I think of the fiat commercial where the nerdy guy is looking at the tall women (who turn out to be the Fiat Abarth).  When she grabs him and start in on him,  he is mesmorized, although I think her delivery was quite harsh.  You have to love the commercial though!

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      It has to be French for me ,I think mainly because I found European culture to be one of the most romantic as well. Just the city of France itself screams romance, how the guys speak ,the accent, etc. So because of that,in my mind they are more romantic. When I think of Asian, I'd think of 'cute' more than anything so the word romantic for the language just doesn't quite apply for me.

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      If you were to ask me this a 2 years ago, I would have said French, but since I met my "Special Friend", I must say Spanish. The way in which those words rattle off her tongue makes my heart pound like a drum. It is also very cute/sexy when she speaks English with that Spanish accent. Aye mama mia!

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      • 2 weeks later...

      Well, the most romantic language in my opinion is french, I mean, you can say the nastiest things to a girl and not only would she not get annoyed, but she'd like it. ( if she doesn't speak french, of course  :laugh: ).

      Now, if that's not romantic, I don't know what is  :devil:.

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      I think the most romantic language is French or Italian. Languages need to be able to 'flow' from the mouth, this is accomplished with soft syllables. A language with harsh syllables, such as German or Japanese, are not romantic languages, in my eyes (or ears).

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