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      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends? - Page 3 | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends?


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          On 9/28/2013 at 5:38 AM, sayitwell said:

        i've noticed that people born in the 70's and earlier tend to not use "lol" and other text speak.  people born in the 80's and later use lol in speech and in written text all the time.  i find that generational style gap to be interesting.

        I have noticed this too because some of the elderly people ask me what does LOL mean. The newer generation use LOL a lot because that is part of the base conversation style.

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        I try not to use many abbreviations when texting or on the computer. I see this as being lazy. Why not just type out the whole word or phrase. It takes an extra couple of seconds, I do not see the issue.

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        I definitely do not over use "lol". I only use it when I think something is funny. I can't be blamed if I think a lot of things are funny. lol! Well you get the picture. On a serious note, I find myself using "smilies" a bit too often.  :grin:

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          On 9/26/2013 at 11:23 PM, Jaxter said:

        I am totally guilty of this and it's almost a creature of habit now. Sometimes I'm scrolling up in a conversation I am having with a friend and i notice just how many "lol" I use in my sentences. Growing up in the instant messaging generation I have just been so used to it that it is now part of my every day vocabulary. Or when I do not know what to say or how to respond, "lol" seems to be the easiest thing to write. "Lmao" is another word that comes to mind that I seem to spam to my friends.  :tongue:

        I do this a lot when I text or chat. But I completely avoid these in writing formal letters! Lol

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          On 9/27/2013 at 2:49 AM, LauraM said:

        I used to use LOL and ROTFL a lot years ago when instant messaging first became popular.

        Same here.  I used it frequently about 12-15 years ago.  Now it's old, overused and annoying.  I'm not totally against using it nowadays, but I use it very rarely.

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        I had to reply to this, because I lately feel I'm abusing this ''word''. There is a friend I use this word the most with tho, for some reason we both do it when we text.  I'm trying really hard not to use it, specially over here and whenever I participate in other forums.  This expression is being over used by a lot people, and to be honest is starting to get a bit annoying and irritating!  If I feel this way, I guess the others feel the same way when I type ''lol'' excessively!  Sad part is... I use it even when I'm not laughing out loud, hehehe (I almost did it again!). Now it's just a habit :P

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        Yeah I'm also guilty of using LOL in my casual conversations in text, but I find myself using "hehe" more than LOL. In forums though, I tend to use LOL than "hehe". I think that there's nothing wrong in that, but sometimes I would have to agree with Trellum that I also use it when I'm not laughing out loud at all. I use it to emphasize that I'm joking.

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        I do over use it, along with "rofl". It's pretty hard not to use it now that I'm used to it. I play online games everyday, so even if I don't use it, I will definately see it written many times. But I don't think it's that bad to use it. For most people who are into gaming, it has also started to have a more general meaning.

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        I do, totally. It's the same with me as ":D" was before lol got so popular. I don't know why I do it, I just send it almost after every of my messages. I guess it indicates that we're having a nice chat, that the feelings are nice and the atmosphere is warm... at least that's how I feel about it.

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          On 9/26/2013 at 11:23 PM, Jaxter said:

        I am totally guilty of this and it's almost a creature of habit now. Sometimes I'm scrolling up in a conversation I am having with a friend and i notice just how many "lol" I use in my sentences. Growing up in the instant messaging generation I have just been so used to it that it is now part of my every day vocabulary. Or when I do not know what to say or how to respond, "lol" seems to be the easiest thing to write. "Lmao" is another word that comes to mind that I seem to spam to my friends.  :tongue:

        You're not the only one pal. We are just creatures of this contemporary age of such modern expressions of the English Language. I use lol a lot too. Lmo is a good one. I also use dwl (dead with laugh). Sometimes you got to give them a smiley face so as to not appear repetitive.

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        I honestly use it quite often but I don't think I do it to the point of over using it. I just write it when someone says something that's literally funny and worth a laugh.

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        I used to say the "lol" word when it was more popular, 3-4 years ago when I played World of Warcraft which is a MMORPG. I rarely use it now, I just try to talk normally without using any of those short words.

        I only use words know such as "tbh" which is "To be honest", and short words like those, but not "lol", "rofl" or "lmfao"...

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        Well, yes I do use "LOL" but not over using it. I only use it when I write to friends that I am comfortable to use that word. And one thing I only use it if what we are talking is out of the blues and one that is really funny  :smile:

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        No, I think LOL is pretty out of style now. I go with the "ahahaha" or "hahaha". The difficulty arises in deciding how many ha's to use for each situation and whether or not to put the "a" before the "ha"

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        I use "lol" and "btw" when I text my friends. I try not to use it too often but sometimes it's very helpful. I observed that many people use shortened words or acronyms in their messages.

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