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What are the best languages to learn for the future and why?


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Well, joining this forum has rustled up my old dreams of becoming poly-lingual. >.< I have so many ambitions for which languages I'd like to learn, but mastering a tongue to the point of fluency is not easy. It takes time and work, so I must prioritize. which languages do you feel would be the most beneficial to learn and why? Spanish is a definite for me, so I know that one. :)

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For me the best language to learn would be a language I would need, for example if going to live in a new country or having a job that requires languages. Other than that English is a must, everyone speaks English these days.

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I'd say that it pays off to study languages that have a lot of speakers and which are used in countries that are growing in population and power. Chinese and Hindi (and maybe also other Indian languages) seem like great choices, if you ask me, especially Chinese.

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English and then Chinese, followed by Spanish. There is a huge, huge business opportunity and advantage for a english/chinese speaker in the right environment.

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I don't see myself learning Chinese despite I have been devoted to the Chinese ancient culture for years, but I believe that Chinese will be one of those must-learn languages that people around the world should keep in mind besides English and Spanish.

Actually the Chinese economy is growing at a fast pace, and China is becoming commercial partner in many projects taken place in a variety of countries, that suggest the importance of learning Chinese or understand a little bit of this language at least.

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I think the best language to learn for the future, is English and Spanish. I think everyone should learn how to speak English because it is a language that is spoken everywhere. The reason I think everyone should learn Spanish is because there are a lot of Spanish speaking people in the United States.

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For me the best language to learn would be a language I would need, for example if going to live in a new country or having a job that requires languages. Other than that English is a must, everyone speaks English these days.

I agree with this. I can learn any language but the problem will I be going to use it regularly. I'm learning German, because I want to learn more about the country, people and culture. I'm also looking for a possibility of moving there in the future. I think what ever language that you think can help you in the future is the right choice to learn.

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I think it really depends what you will be using the other languages for but as far as being able to communicate with the highest amount of people goes I'll have to say Chinese, Spanish and English are the most important ones which will cover a huge amount of people.

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Mandarin Chinese. I would say that it would be valuable in terms of business indeed the Chinese are now learning to speak Mandarin as it is the way forward for them also.

Also, I wonder if you would get better service in the local restaurant when you can chat away?

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I would say Russian and of coarse English if you don't already speak it.

I'm kind of glad you mentioned Russian, because I think I'd like to learn it. English is my native tongue so I'm looking to improve my English grammar and vocabulary and also to learn a few other languages. What is your reasoning for Russian being an important language to learn?

Many people are saying Mandarin Chinese, and I've kind of thought about it, but learning Hindu or similar languages hadn't really crossed my mind--I'll have to look into it!

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Guest isabbbela

What I hear everyone saying is Mandarin. Which scares me, cause it must be so hard to learn!!! But with China's growth, I can see how it would become increasingly more relevant to learn Mandarin.

However, I think the staples will continue to be English and Spanish.

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Chinese, English and Spanish.  Spanish because there are a lot of Spanish speaking Americans and latinos are the fastest growing race in America.  There are more and more jobs advertised that require one to speak Spanish and English.  China for obvious business reasons.  They are the top emerging market.  English because it is the most widely spoken language.

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English is the obvious choice here. The way things are changing in the world, in a few years time English will become indispensable in a way it is not right now. People seem to be mentioning Chinese because of their fast growing economy. But Germany is a country which continues growing in the face of the economic crisis and I think German is also a language one would do well to learn.

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I think the best language to learn for the future is Spanish. I think Spanish and English are the two greatest languages, that can be learned. I also think they are two languages essential to life.

Not only are they essential, but I think they are beautiful as well. ^^

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I think it depends entirely on what your goals are... if you're into business, I think mandarin is probably the way to go these days. I think English and Spanish are pretty useful for travel, in the western hemisphere anyway. If you're looking to learn a language to be able to communicate to as many people in the world, Mandarin and Hindi are your best bet.

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It depends on where do you live in the future. I would say English and Spanish are the best languages to learn for the future because they are the most common languages in a lot of countries. English has become the universal language in most countries because people are taught to learn English. Spanish is also one of the popular languages in some countries because that's what people pick for the second language. Both English and Spanish are very useful.

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Mandarin seems to be a popular choice, although, I don't think it would really come in handy unless you plan on working with Chinese people in the future. I think you should just pick a language you love and learn that for the sake of learning it instead of doing it for whatever things the world will deem important in a few years. There will always be money to be made if you can do something well enough, and you can reach a good enough level when you love what you are learning and doing. That's my opinion of it, at least.

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Well, English would be a certain language to learn. In term of Chinese,  a lot of local merchants mastered the Chinese language in order to improve their work and import all type of things from china, and learning this language really helped them to reach the wide big market in China. This is a one case on how people determined which language to learn.

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English is the obvious choice here. The way things are changing in the world, in a few years time English will become indispensable in a way it is not right now. People seem to be mentioning Chinese because of their fast growing economy. But Germany is a country which continues growing in the face of the economic crisis and I think German is also a language one would do well to learn.

I really love German language, but while English is the worldwide predominant language, Spanish and Chinese are probably the next in the list because of cultural connotations wit the USA for the first, and fast-pace economy grow for the second.

Sadly German is only spoken in a few countries so it would be hard that it could gain predominance unless a big boom of some nature would come in the feature from Germany mainly.

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Chinese and English because there are so many people out there that speak it altough all those Chinese poeple are clutched up in a small area so it won't be really necessary.

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