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      Favourite Manga | Japanese Literature Jump to content

      Favourite Manga


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      What is your favourite manga?

      Or are you one to read a large variety or a weekly buyer of "Jump"?

      For me I never got into Manga, I used to read Fruit's Basket and Deathnote and Absolute Boyfriend in English but after moving to Japan I stopped reading cos there are so many and it ends up costing soooo much especially to follow the series to the end (or wait for the next instalment like Naruto).

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        I never knew fruit basket before, 2 yrs ago I call my cousin, I ask her what she wants me to buy for her. She told me that I can buy her that since her savings is not yet enough. I bought it then gave her. I read some of it when I was in their house.

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        • 1 month later...

        I love Naoki Urosawa's stuff, especially "Monster". Urosawa writes really amazing thrillers, they're great. "Monster" has a very faithful anime adaptation and "20th Century Boys" got a movie adaptation. Still, I think manga is better.

        When it comes to lighter stuff, I enjoyed "Fullmetal Alchemist" very much.

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        • 2 months later...

        I love to read manga, but after having read so many series all these years you tend to become picky later on and look for something with a unique story, which is why nowadays I only follow few titles among the new series, those that doesn't have any similarity to any series. A good example would be Silver Spoon. I think it is the only manga that centers about life in the countryside and how a boy who grew up in the city adapts to this different lifestyle. Another good title is Genshiken (though this is an old title that was only continued recently). The story gives us a more in-depth look about the otakus and their perspective about life.

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        • 4 months later...

        I have read a lot of manga through the years, that I had become picky on what I read, and dropped some of the mangas on my watchlist even though I have followed them for quite a long time, since, most of the releases are just pure fan service, and sometimes the story had turned from good to mediocre.

        The ongoing mangas I'm following right now, for shoujo, is Skip Beat! even if the monthly releases are a pain for being such a cliffhanger, and Kimi Ni Todoke.

        For completed shounen mangas, I like Slam Dunk, Death Note and Sword Art Online. For ongoing series, there's Ao No Exorcist, and Beelzebub for me. And, Hajime No Ippo.

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        • 5 months later...

        As everyone says, I find Death Note good too :smile:

        Last summer I was obsessed with Jojo no Kimyo na Boken. It has been serialized since 1980 or so and still goes on. It took a whole summer for me to read :cry:

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        I never got into it very much but I remember back when I was very young I used to borrow my friends' manga books of a Dragon. Ball and I enjoyed it very much. I'm not even that much of a fan of the series because it was slowly paced but I was still interested in it so the manga version offered me a good story I could read at my own pace. The only problem was that it was in Japanese so I didn't understand the dialogue but it was entertaining nonetheless.

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        So far my favorite manga is Bakuman, it is beautifully drawn and beautifully written.  I've only seen it in English.  My son is really into manga so I started reading some of the books that he has.  He has quite a collection of manga, out of all of them, I like Bakuman the best.

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        My favorite manga is a very little known one entitled Penguin Brothers. It's about a girl whom goes to a new school and has to convince everyone to stop wearing uniforms. There's also romance and two really good best-friend type characters that mesh well with the overall atmosphere of the manga.

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        My favorite manga would be Xxxholic. If you haven't read it yet, you should go ahead and do so. I love the graphics, everything was drawn so well and I also love the fact that it gives the readers a good moral lesson at the end of each story. Go check it out!

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        • 2 months later...

        Less of a "Manga" and more of a "Light Novel" I loved To Aru Majustsu no Index and the concept of the kids having ranked level powers. Also, Spice and Wolf is another fantastic example from a Light Novel.

        For Manga itself, I concur with Bakuman. Who can't like one of the writers at least. I'm a sucker for a good story. Another one I was reading was a Korean Manwha named "Noblesse" (Vampires and such but done well).

        I enjoy reading manga, manwha, and light novels. It helps accentuate my breaks between gaming and anime and trying to work and learn Japanese.

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        There is this obscure manga which I read, and it is based on the video game Radiata Stories.  There are two variants of the manga, namely The Epic of Jack and The Song of Ridley.  Since I am also studying Nihongo, I am able to read the texts, but I can't translate them just yet.

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        • 3 months later...

        I love reading manga, but when it comes to favorite, I prefer "Slam Dunk" by Inoue Takehiko. When I read Slam Dunk manga, I feel the movement of the characters. I feel how they move, and I end up reading the manga fast-paced because of the actions. I even feel the emotions of the characters. Whenever Sakuragi says something or do something baka, I always end up laughing like crazy in my own room. I could finish a volume of Slam Dunk manga in one sitting because of its hilarity. I had not encountered any other manga that had that effect on me.

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        • 4 months later...

        I have four volumes of Slam Dunk. I have to purchase the whole collection of it.

        The manga that I am currently updated to is "Shingeki no Kyojin." I still have to wait for the middle of October or early October for Chapter 74. It was such a cliffhanger! Oh, Isayama-san, please do not give us a cliffhanger with Bertholdt and Reiner waiting for Eren and gang, again!

        I am still on to "Kanshikan Tsunemori Akane," manga and "Kanshikan Kougami Shinya" manga, but the Kougami Shinya manga had not been updated yet online. I have to find where to buy a manga of it. As for "Tokyo Ghoul," I tried reading Wikia and online version, but it seems that the Season 2 anime was rushed. It was like not everything in the manga was in the anime. I think I'm not gonna read it. I'll just have to look for the two Psycho-Pass mangas instead.

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        I don't read as much manga as I used to, I stopped collecting them in the U.S. after the "manga boom" in the 2000's.  So many of my favorite series come from the 80's or 90's.

        I absolutely love Ranma 1/2, and anything done by Rumiko Takahashi.  They are also fairly easy to learn the language from, last year I acquired the first 10 volumes of Ranma 1/2 in Japanese from a thrift store.  I was so excited, since I really wanted to learn to read more from reading raw Japanese comics.

        I also enjoy Dragon Ball, One Piece, and various others from the previously mention eras.  I basically love shonen style manga, but I'll read some shoujo series from time to time.  It's just harder to find ones for older ladies like myself, since many shoujo are aimed towards teenagers, and I'm not much into school dramas anymore.

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        I read a lot of manga, but I enjoy One Piece the most. If I remember correctly, it's the first manga and anime that I've ever read/watched, so I guess it has a special place in my heart. I haven't touched it in a while though. I couldn't be bothered to wait another week for the new episode, so I just ditched it and told myself that I'd come back later on and binge watch the episodes. I'm currently at episode 600 something. Maybe 642.

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          On 10/2/2015 at 3:22 PM, Tyrell said:

        I read a lot of manga, but I enjoy One Piece the most. If I remember correctly, it's the first manga and anime that I've ever read/watched, so I guess it has a special place in my heart. I haven't touched it in a while though. I couldn't be bothered to wait another week for the new episode, so I just ditched it and told myself that I'd come back later on and binge watch the episodes. I'm currently at episode 600 something. Maybe 642.

        Haha, that's what I do.  I am right around where you are too!  I usually let the manga/anime build up before watching it again, since I think One Piece is more enjoyable in chunks.  Especially in the anime, when some of the scenes are really slow (like when they show the marine forces standing around screaming at something for almost 8-10 per episode).  It's the only current manga I really follow.

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        • 5 weeks later...

        After watching the anime, I've become a huge fan of Watashi ga Motenai no wa Do Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!, or Watamote. 
        I bought the complete set of manga a while back, and I keep coming back to them every once in a while to try and read them. It's been a slow process though, as my Japanese reading skills are still very basic. 

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        • 4 years later...
        • 3 months later...

        I don't think I have favourite manga per se, but I enjoy many types of manga from both famous manga-ka and doujin circles.

        From the big guys I read mostly ドラゴンボール超, 遊戯王, and Z/X Code reunion.
        From the doujin circles I enjoy 宇崎ちゃんは遊びたい, お兄ちゃんはおしまい!, EAST VEGETA, DRAGON BALL K, and よーじょらいふ!.

        And to be fair, I like what the doujin circles put out way more than what the big guys make.

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