Human beings are gifted with intellectual and physical abilities to communicate with one another.
Other than that, humans also have the ability to create a psychological impact by using meaningful expressions in discourse.
Since communication goes beyond logic, we can deduce the meaning of expressions subsumed in words, phrases, and sentences.
In this article, we will try to break down and understand the meaning behind an expression used to signify gratitude, “thank you for your concern.”
What is the meaning of “thank you for your concern?”
“Thank you for your concern” is an expressive communicative act that conveys a sense of gratefulness towards a hearer or a reader. This is typically used to respond to someone who expresses support and offers kind words. A person using this verbiage either in writing or oral speech intends to acknowledge the action that has been done or offered, which likely reinforces positive relationships in the process.
For what purpose and where can we use “thank you for your concern?”
Using pleasurable words to express indebtedness is part of our daily routine that invariably happens after receiving some favor.
This illocutionary act positively influences the well-being of the message provider as well as the recipient for it elicits tacit and mutual respect.
The expression “thank you for your concern” can be observed in the formal register such as in business correspondence.
It may also be used in colloquial conversations like personalized letters and other forms of direct messages.
This verbiage may be used after a person shows support in times of grief, sickness, problems, and other seemingly discomforting circumstances.
Simply put, it is a speech act mainly done to recognize or acknowledge an implicated act of kindness coming from another person or group of people.
“Thank you for your concern” in business emails
Tact and civility are highly valuable in the business industry for these acts serve as the subjective vertebrae of business-based relationships.
This means that the presence or absence of courtesy could make or break small and huge-scale businesses alike.
In business, proper etiquette is essential in establishing and maintaining a systematic function that facilitates business growth.
Through effective collaboration and teamwork, a business can therefore shift smoothly from one gear to another, which increases the value of a favorable attitude in the process.
“Thank you for your concern” may be observed in cases wherein, for instance, a subordinate member truthfully expresses gratitude towards a boss after receiving some form of approval.
To Mr. John Doe:
I am deeply sorry for your loss. In accordance with company policy, I would like to inform you that your bereavement leave request has been officially granted.
As our entire organization values familial relationships the most, we understand that an immediate family member’s untimely passing causes unimaginable grief to all people alike.
More importantly, I highly encourage you to extend your leave period to up to 10 working days instead, rather than the 5-day period you have specified in your request.
Please do this so you can have more time to recover.
Just kindly reply to this email for your confirmation.
This kind of email could prompt the use of “thank you for your concern” as part of the response such as in the next example.
To Ms. Jane Doe:
Thank you for your concern.
I can’t stress my appreciation enough for the leave extension offer, but I would like to return to work on the date stated in my request as I strongly believe that reporting back to my workstation and collaborating with my teammates will be more beneficial for my current situation.
I would also like to assure you that I will be able to perform my tasks and responsibilities when I return, despite my circumstances.
Of course, “thank you for your concern” is not limited to the above situation alone.
It may also be used in other less formal situations such as in personalized letters or direct messages intended for people with whom we have an intimate relationship.
“Thank you for your concern” in personal letters
In personal letters and direct messages, the idea behind expressing gratitude by using “thank you for your concern” remains the same.
This can also happen after someone has extended their concern or sympathy to another person suffering from injuries or illnesses.
Note, though, that the tonality of the entire message may change due to the rather intimate bond or connection of this type of interlocutors.
Dear John,
Hey there, buddy! I’ve heard you’ve been hospitalized for several days because of a road accident. I really do hope you’re better now.
I’m visiting you this weekend, so let me know if there’s anything I can get for you. I’m really sorry to hear about what happened.
Similarly, the message above could prompt the message recipient to use the expression in discussion in the response.
Dear Sally,
Thank you for your concern.
The collision was indeed a terrible experience. The airbag and seatbelt spared me from imminent death.
I’m scheduled to be discharged tomorrow, so visit me at my apartment this weekend instead.
I’ve only been eating horrible hospital food for the last five days, so I’d love to have some tacos and pizza with you soon.
Although “thank you for your concern” can be perfectly used in casual messages, note that “thanks” would sound more natural, nonetheless warmer, in this specific scenario.
The shortened version “thanks for your concern” would more likely illustrate that the interlocutors share a deeper relationship, as opposed to a business-like tone.
Alternative expressions for “thank you for your concern”
Several other expressions may also be used to imply a similar meaning to “thank you for your concern.”
This can be reworded in such a way that it would become more suitable in either formal or informal registers.
These equivalent expressions are listed below.
Alternatives in the formal register
Formal register refers to situations requiring a relatively higher degree of professionalism and politeness.
In English, and perhaps in many other languages, formalistic communication entails the usage of more complete sentences, as opposed to slang and interjection-infested brief ones.
When someone shows “concern,” it means that the person aims to show support to the message recipient.
Thank you for your support
We can also reword the expression into “thank you for your support,” which means the same if used in the same context.
Colleague A: We have collected some cash for the charity work you’re doing. We hope this could help in some ways.
Colleague B: Thank you for your support.
The alternative expression above has the ellipted or omitted subject “I” which is already implicated by the context.
Including “I” in the expression constitutes grammatical completeness, whereas the omission of the subject elicits a more native-like tone.
I appreciate your concern
Another way to express gratefulness is by saying “I appreciate your concern,” wherein “thank you for” is replaced with “I appreciate.”
Not only does using “I” elicit a natural tone, but it also emphasizes the idea that the speaker or writer is personally doing the act of gratefulness.
Therefore, the statement could be adjusted into this expression if and when one wants to highlight this fact, as opposed to saying a general expression.
Colleague A: I’m really sorry for your loss.
Person B: I appreciate your concern.
Adding “I” also indicates that the message creator is the only person involved in the conversation apart from the other interlocutor.
It gives a certain idea of creating more warmth in the message and that more communicative effort is exerted at the same time.
Thank you so much for your concern
Adding the intensifier phrase “so much” gives out a warmer connotation to “thank you for your concern.”
When you hear or read the expression “thank you so much for your concern,” that would suggest that the person is more than grateful.
Expressions as stiff and polite as “thank you for your concern” can be more affectionate by simply adding “so much” in the middle.
Being professional in our fields does not necessarily equate to using stiff language all the time.
Especially when the situation requires us to show more care or appreciation toward another person, we can always go with a warmer tone.
Dear Ingrid,
Thank you for your email yesterday. We have already found a few donors today, and are just waiting for the screening to be done. Thank you so much for your concern. I appreciate you reaching out in times like this.
Times can be really tough; that’s part of life’s herbs and spices.
So, whenever someone shows their concern when we are in a negative town, it is suggested that we also respond in kind.
Here’s another way of using “thank you so much for your concern” in email writing:
Dear Eula,
Thank you for reaching out to me during this difficult time. I sincerely appreciate you sending me a motivational book to read. I started reading it this morning, and I thought it helped me start my day better. Thank you so much for your concern. Your support is much appreciated.
Warmest regards,
Thank you for raising your concern
At other times, the word “concern” may also give out the meaning “worry” instead of “sympathy” or “thought.”
This is especially true in the expression “thank you for raising your concern,” which is common in professional settings.
When we say “thank you for raising your concern,” it likely means that a complaint or request could have been brought up for some reason.
Hence, using “thank you for raising your concern” is a good response to when someone for our help in dealing with some issues.
Dear Dane,
Thank you for raising your concern regarding the leave application process. The management is all ears to suggestions like yours. Later today, I will have a weekly sync-up with the entire HR team. You can rest assured that I will put your query and suggestion forward. Please expect an update either by the end of the week to early next week.
Kind regards,
“Thank you for raising your concern” may also be used when someone puts forward an issue anonymously.
At times, companies allow raising internal issues anonymously so that people can be more comfortable with their queries.
Here’s another example using the explained expression:
Dear Ma’am or Sir,
Thank you for raising your concern anonymously. You did the right thing by reporting the incident directly to HR. Please note that we will review and discuss your complaint within ten (10) days after receipt. Once our investigation is done, you will receive an email detailing the steps that you can take. Should you have any further concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Yours sincerely,
Human Resource Dept.
Alternatives in the informal register
The informal register refers to the discourse that conveniently uses slang and jargon expressions, interjections, contractions, dangling prepositions, and so on.
This style is prevalent among interlocutors whose relationship is intimate rather than business-like.
It marks the special bond shared by peers and family members alike
Thanks for looking out
People sharing deep interpersonal relationships are sensitive to the needs and feelings of each other.
Keeping an eye or looking out for one another is indicative of an established bond, thereby prompting the use of expressions of empathy when one is in trouble.
“Thanks for looking out” is another casual way of saying “thank you for your concern” which is more likely used between or among friends.
So, if the message recipient is a close friend rather than a superior, “thanks for looking out” should come across as more appropriate and sincere.
Person A: Hey, I know you’re upset. Let’s grab a couple of bottles and talk about it, okay?
Person B: You do know me too well. Thanks for looking out, man.
Thanks for checking in
Another similar expression that can be used in acknowledging even a simple act of asking how a person is doing is “thank you for checking in.”
To “check in” is an informal phrasal verb that means one has crossed the mind of another person and that person wants to express it by sending a message.
Person A: Hey, I haven’t noticed you posting anything on IG lately. Just wanted to know if everything’s okay.
Person B: Thanks for checking in. Actually, I’ve been pretty worked up in the past couple of weeks.
Similar to “thanks for checking in” is “Thank you for checking on me” which can be used in the formal register instead.
Thanks for the concern
A great way to reduce the formality level of “Thank you for your concern” is by using “thanks for the concern.”
This expression may be a bit impassive because of the article “the”; this makes the referencing to the word “concern” quite emotionally distant.
“Thanks for the concern” may work well with those people who we are not necessarily emotionally attached with.
However, these people may have likely dedicated some amount of time to ask how we are or if everything is working out fine.
Let’s say, you have a colleague from another department who sent you a personal message of concern after some bad circumstances.
Dear Donnie,
Hey, I’ve read your personal message. Thanks for the concern. I saw Karl around earlier, so I asked him to fix the problem on my pc instead. He said it was just some CMOS error.
Another possible case where “thanks for the concern” would be fitting is when our doctor sends us a follow-up message.
Apparently, we should make our message a bit more detailed when reporting about our health to a doctor.
That way, he or she will have more context of the situation, as shown in the next email sample:
Dear Dr. Morrison,
Thanks for the concern. I really appreciate your message. I haven’t felt nauseous since I stopped the medication, so I’d like to say I’m much better now. My appetite has also become better, which means I’ve actually gained two pounds since last week.
All the best,
Thanks for your concern
Warmer than “Thanks for the concern” is “thanks for your concern.” This means we have simply changed “the” to “your.”
Despite this trivial word shift, a different implication is brought by using “thanks for your concern.”
This expression creates a warmer feeling compared to when we only refer to the word concern using a definite article.
The use of the determiner “your” replaces that emotionless connotation with warmth and tenderness.
It tells the reader that you appreciate the gesture or behavior that they decided to show to you.
When something bad all of a sudden, some people may choose to express sympathy or concern toward us.
This kind of situation deserves a warm response to reciprocate the act of concern being shown.
Here’s an example to make the explanation clearer:
Dear Scarlet,
Hey, thanks for your concern. I’ve read the note that you left on my desk. I was surprised by the announcement earlier, but it’s all good. Things will get better soon. I sincerely appreciate your message.
Warm regards,
When something bad happens all of a sudden, some people, especially those we have formed a close bond with, try to take action by showing their concern.
That said, we had better know how to appropriately respond so we could be in sync with the other person.
Here’s another example to show that:
Dear Ryan,
Hey, I’ve just read your email. Thanks for your concern regarding what happened earlier. That was a bit unexpected, but things will work out. We are now looking for new ways to strategize to keep the product afloat. I’ll give you an update soon.
Best regards,
Incorrect alternatives for “thank you for your concern”
Thanks for concern
Avoid using “thanks for concern” because, although it does make sense to most people, it is grammatically incomplete.
We could either say “thanks for your concern” or “thanks for the concern” but not without “the” or “your.”
(correct) Thanks for your concern
(correct) Thanks for the concern
Thanks to your concern
Another commonly misused variation of “thank you for your concern” is “thanks to your concern.”
Likewise, it is best to avoid “thanks to your concern” because of the incorrect preposition usage in this expression.
What we need instead is the preposition “for” and not “to” to make this one right.
(correct) Thanks for your concern
Thank you for concern
Last but not least, “thank you for concern” is also something we have to steer clear of.
This expression lacks a determiner before “concern,” making it grammatically incomplete.
We can either say “thank you for your concern” or “thank you for the concern” instead but not without “your” or “the.”
(correct) Thank you for your concern
(correct) Thank you for the concern
Unless we are in a hurry for some reason, perhaps, like we are doing a quick search online that we only need keywords, let us keep the expressions above at an arm’s length.
Doing so will make our written work more accurate and, therefore, professional-looking.
Frequently Asked Questions on “Thank you for your concern”
What is the meaning of “thank you for concern”?
“Thank you for concern” is a grammatically-incomplete and misused variation of either “thank you for your concern” or “thank you for the concern.” This expression lacks a determiner within the prepositional phrase headed by “for.”
What is the meaning of “thanks for your concern”?
“Thanks for your concern” is a warmer variation of “thank you for your concern.” In general, replacing “thank you” with “thanks” reduces the formality level of expressions, making “thanks for your concern” more suitable for those we are emotionally connected with.
Expressing gratitude through words elucidates good manners, which is important in both professional and casual relationships.
It essentially means showing reciprocity to another person who is paying attention to the circumstances affecting someone’s life.
Thus, the expressions listed in this article are some examples of the building blocks of social relationships that dictate human civilization.

Hey fellow Linguaholics! It’s me, Marcel. I am the proud owner of Languages have always been my passion and I have studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the University of Zurich. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general.